Replacement Coffee Machine Water Filter CMF003

EMBRIIO Products are made of high-quality materials that LET YOU TASTE BEST INTENSE COFFEE & SAVE COSTS. Our EMBRIIO Filters bring the filtration efficiency more than 99% removing all harmful...


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EMBRIIO Products are made of high-quality materials that LET YOU TASTE BEST INTENSE COFFEE & SAVE COSTS. Our EMBRIIO Filters bring the filtration efficiency more than 99% removing all harmful contaminant to your health. Additional we offer you 3 years 100% quality guarantee so you can buy our products with confidence.

  • Contains: High Quality Filter Cartridges

  • Compatible with Filter Cartridge CMF003 | Fits Jura Claris, Bosch TCA6041 Benvenuto B40, TCA6709 Benvenuto B65, B20-TCA6001, B30-TCA6031, B60-TCA6701, B65-TCA6709, TCA5601, TCA5608, TCA5809, TCA6801 Benvenuto B7, TCA6003, 461732, Siemens Surpresso S20-TK60001, S40-TK64001, S45-TK64F09, S60-TK68001, S65-TK68009, S70-TK69001, S75-TK69009, TK58001, CompactTK52002, TZ60003, Krups Claris F088, Melitta 192830 PRO AQUA coffee machines.

  • Embriio filters remove color, odor, Volatile Organic Compounds and trihalomethanes.

  • Do not waste your time for complicated installation. Our filters are easy to replace!

  • Each filter cartridge lasts up to 2 months or 190 liters of filtered water.

  • Our filters are made with health and safety in mind so they are BPA free.

  • To provide you with the best quality products we have met required standards - TÜV Certificate and NSF 42 & NSF/ANSI 372 certificate guarantee water safe to drink.

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