Printing Saver Compatible LetraTag S0721670 91202 12mm x 4m Black on Yellow Plastic Label Tape for DYMO LetraTag XM 2000, LT-100H, LT-100T

Type: Compatible | Condition: Brand New | Label Code: 91202 / S0721620 / S0721670 | Dimensions: 12mm x 4m | Colour: Black Print on Yellow Plastic Labels Easy-to-Peel Backing: The...


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  • Type: Compatible | Condition: Brand New | Label Code: 91202 / S0721620 / S0721670 | Dimensions: 12mm x 4m | Colour: Black Print on Yellow Plastic Labels
  • Easy-to-Peel Backing: The split-back design makes it simple to apply the labels to paper, glass, and other common surfaces. The labels leave behind no residue.
  • These durable, tear-resistant, water-resistant, and wipeable labels are ideal for home and office use.
  • For use with DYMO LetraTag LT-100H, LT-100T, LT-110T, QX 50, XR, XM, 2000, Plus
  • BPA Free; 24 Month Risk-Free Warranty

Bring order to your home or workspace with compatible DYMO LetraTag Labels. Created for use with the DYMO LetraTag label makers, the labels are packaged in a convenient easy-to-load cassette, and they feature an easy-peel backing for trouble-free application. With print technology that eliminates the need for traditional ink or toner, DYMO LetraTag Labels let you organise your items with ease.

Replaces: DYMO Letratag 91202 / 91222 / 91332 / S0721620 / S0721670 / 594230 12 mm x 4 m Black Print on Yellow Plastic Labels

24 Months Risk-Free Warranty

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