Printing Saver 99015 54 x 70 mm Compatible Multipurpose Labels Roll for Dymo LabelWriter 300 320 400 450 Turbo

Type: Compatible | Condition: Brand New | Label Code: 99015 / S0722440 | Dimensions: 54mm x 70mm | Labels per Roll: 320 | Label Colour: White | Text Colour: Black...

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  • Type: Compatible | Condition: Brand New | Label Code: 99015 / S0722440 | Dimensions: 54mm x 70mm | Labels per Roll: 320 | Label Colour: White | Text Colour: Black
  • Premium Grade A Quality Paper with Strong Adhesive and Sharp Print
  • Suitable for Dymo LabelWriter 300, 310, 315, 320, 330, 330 Turbo, 400, 400 Turbo, 400 Twin Turbo, 400 Duo, 450, 450 Turbo, 450 Twin Turbo, 450 Duo, 4XL, EL40, EL60, SE300, SE450, CoStar LabelWriter XL, XL+, BC, BC+, Turbo, SE200, SE250, ACII 200, ASCII 250
  • Suitable for Seiko SLP 100, 120, 200, 220, 240, 410, 420, 430, 440, 450, Pro, Plus
  • BPA Free; 24 Month Risk-Free Warranty

Create high-quality labels for a variety of applications with compatible DYMO LabelWriter Labels. Designed for use with the DYMO LabelWriter, these labels print with direct thermal print technology that eliminates the need for traditional ink or toner. With high-contrast lettering that resists smearing and fading, these labels make it easy to bring order to your life or business.

Replaces: DYMO 99015 S0722440 Roll of Multipurpose Labels

24 Months Risk-Free Warranty

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